Hazardous material logistics: Loxxess is preparing for increased demands
4. March 2021
As part of the challenges arising from the coronavirus pandemic and the relocation of system-relevant production processes within the hygiene, medical and pharmaceutical product sectors, Loxxess, the logistics and fulfillment service provider, is preparing for a surge in the demand for hazardous material logistics. The logistics service provider can provide customers with 20,000 m2 of state-of-the-art logistics space for storing and processing hazardous materials at their Neuburg an der Donau facility. The range of services includes value-added services as well as the handling of hazardous goods for transporting on all routes.
Loxxess AG, the logistics and fulfillment service provider in Tegernsee, is preparing for increased demand in the hazardous material logistics sector. Loxxess is reacting to the challenges arising from the coronavirus pandemic and the reorganization of production processes for system-relevant goods such as hygiene, medical and pharmaceutical products. Back in spring 2020, at the start of the COVID19 pandemic, the family-owned company had to increase its distribution services by up to 40 per cent in some cases due to the increasing demand for disinfectants. This was driven by increased demand from hospitals, retailers and wholesalers.
“The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of global product and supply chains. Many companies are reacting to this by reassessing their supply chains and expanding their regional structures in order to be able to ensure that the population can be supplied with products from the medical and pharmaceutical sectors, even in the event of a crisis”, said Dr Claus-Peter Amberger, the chairman of Loxxess AG. “Due to the noticeable increase in demand for storing and the handling of special goods, we at Loxxess are preparing for a growing demand in storing and handling hazardous materials. We are superbly positioned for this as we have more than 20 years of expertise in handling hazardous materials”.
At its facility in Neuburg an der Donau in Bavaria, the logistics service can provide storage for Class 2 – 9 hazardous materials and for all water hazard classes in a total of five separable areas that cover an area of 20,000 m2.. This plant holds a special permit for hazardous incident operation under the German Federal Immission Protection Act. In addition to its various value-added services such as labeling, display assembly and quality controls, Loxxess also provides complete handling of hazardous goods transporting by road, sea and air, which includes transport planning, the documentation and freight management. Loxxess also provides further support with advice on hazardous materials as well as the approval procedures.
The logistics center has 23,000 pallet spaces, an aviation security warehouse and a separate storage area for aerosols. The logistics center has a hazardous material-compliant sprinkler system as well as alarm and gas warning systems installed in all areas of the hall and this enables 24-hour operation. In addition to the use of special equipment such as a gantry crane system with suction grippers and a clamp stacker for drum handling, the building can also be loaded and unloaded from the side. The facility also has a secure IT infrastructure and a modern quality and environmental management system.
The Neuburg Loxxess facility is centrally located between Munich and Nuremberg and is connected to the A9, A8 and A83 freeways and the B16 highway.
More information can be found at: www.loxxess.com/en/neuburg-d-donau as well as: www.loxxess.com/gefahrstofflogistik